Saturday, November 10, 2007


The, Elsinore Municipal Water District maybe in vioalation of the Brown Act in the way it conduct the Ad Hoc Standing Committee meetings concerning the LEAPS Proposal. Over the many years EVMWD Board Members have been regularly scheduling Ad Hoc Committee meetings, continuing in subject matter, without public notice or opening the meetings to the public for public attendance, observation or input. For a short period of time the Board discontinued the Ad Hoc meetings, previous with, Directors Phil Williams and Kristine Anderson. It is not understood by EM1 why the discontinuance for the short period but EM1 believes the restart of the Ad Hoc with Board Members, Ben Wicke and Phil Williams, without public notice would be in violation of the Ralph M. Brown Act under Standing Committees(a continuning subject matter, fixed by the Board, comprised of less than a quorum of the governing body are covered by the Brown Act. The Ad Hoc Committee was created by the Board under the creating of various committee meetings hosted by Board Members. Citizens should look into whether or not the classes on the Brown Act by Grover Trask of Best,Best & Krieger, BBK have any influence on the restart of the Ad Hoc, LEAPS meetings without public notice.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


In a letter dated October 17, sent to Best, Best & Krieger's(BBK) John Brown Attorney representing EVMWD has rejected the MOU attempt of EVMWD becoming co applicant with the California Public Utilities Commission CPUC in working the CEQA requirements. In a nutshell the CPUC noted in its letter to John Brown that EVMWD have no standing powers nor eminent domain in a project like the LEAPS, does not believe EVMWD should be involved in Nevada Hydro's (NH) lines protection and affirmed that the power lines is Nevada Hydro's project and that EVMWD has nothing to bring to the party. The letter further revealed that Nevada Hydro has not signed a MEMORANDOM of UNDERSTANDING( MOU) so there is not an agreement to send to them. The letter also states the project will be built and financed by private entities NHC and Morgan Stanley.
The CPUC pointed out that its agency has the greatest responsibility for reviewing the project and issuing a certificate of public convinence and necessity(CPCN). The CPUC has sitting jurisdiction over transmission line (the FERC has permitting authority over the pumped storage facility.
The CPUC states in the letter to John Brown that the CPUC has general governmental powers and broad regulatory authority. The District does not have the eminent domain authority to site and build (or to imbue a third party with such powers in a transmission line like the one proposed. see Water Code Section 71663.5 delineating such limitations.
EVMWD's Actions Reconfirm RICO ACT
EM1, looking back at the more than 10 years EVMWD has been involved in a proposed project called LEAPS in a supposed co applicant development agreement with Nevada Hydro of Vista CA. In view of the over 10 years of spending public funds to Nevada Hydro the question comes to mind did EVMWD give Nevada Hydro more than $3million dollars all those years just for Nevada Hydro to think about the LEAPS project? that is what EM1 thinks the spending amounts to. Its crazy!!! EM1 rather think a scenario like this happened. party (a) got together with party (b) An idea was born to create an imaginary power line, pump storage facility project. party (b) saw fit to use party(a) as the instrument to allocate public funds to in the name of LEAPS with both parties a&b undersanding each other motives create ways to issue invoices for billings in the name of LEAPS payable for created imaginary various reasons for cause and to various conspiring agents for cause but in reality there were never any cause nor anything real, tangible or intangible, no groundbreaking, no tranmission lines, no pump storage facility, no issuing of any permits or certificates by any governing agency, yet more than $3millions of public funds spent in the name of LEAPS for no public benefit whatsoever!!! documents and track records suggest that party (a) seem to have been used to kick back funds in a kick back manner to party(b) in an open ended pattern reconfirming a RICO ACT Pattern. If anyone believe that EVMWD gave all those millions to Nevada Hydro just to think about the LEAPS Proposal for more than 10 years think again!!! remember this has been going on for more than 10 years . with no gain in sight.